Draco Meteor can KO a lot of Pokemon, Psyshock can deal good damage, and Mystical Fire can hit Steel-types like Magearna. It is important to pay attention to Kartana's HP and the enemy pokemon so that Kartana wouldn't get KOed/burned/paralyzed.Īlternative sweeper if Kartana falls. Volt Switch is used to switch into Kartana when Magnezone is slower, while Teleport can be used if Magnezone is faster. Its resistance to Regieleki is also very important for this team.Ģ52 SpA Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. Magnezone is very often underestimated and can deal with slower meta Pokemon like Slowbro.Ģ52+ SpA Choice Specs Magnezone Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Heatran: 376-444 (97.4 - 115%) - 81.3% chance to OHKOĬan't OHKO enemy Heatran but can do decent damage. 252 HP / 176+ SpD Heatran: 292-344 (75.6 - 89.1%) - guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recoveryĢ52 SpA Heatran Earth Power vs. Probably a defensive Pokemon, BUT NOT FOR ME! The set is self-explanatory, Magma Storm can trap easy targets for Kartana to finish, Flash Cannon is another STAB move, Toxic for tanks like Blissey and Clefable, and Earth Power against fire types and other Heatrans.Ģ52 SpA Heatran Earth Power vs. 92 HP / 164 Def Tapu Fini: 252-297 (82.8 - 97.6%) - guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery 92 HP / 252 SpD Tapu Fini: 93-111 (30.5 - 36.5%) - guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery 92 HP / 252 SpD Tapu Fini: 242-288 (79.6 - 94.7%) - guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recoveryĢ52 SpA Spectrier Shadow Ball vs. Scald for burn (which never really happens when you need it lmao), and Draining Kiss for reliable healing.Ģ52 SpA Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. Taunt can be used to set up Calm Mind against Ferrothorn, but otherwise, Aromatherapy can be used to heal burns and paralysis on teammates. Its stats are excellent and it can eat up special attacks, Kartana's weakness. Its Water/Fairy typing can resist fire and fighting, both of Kartana's major weaknesses. 252 HP / 176 Def Heatran: 306-360 (79.2 - 93.2%) - guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recoveryįini was and still is my favorite tapu, and it provides excellent support to Kartana. 252 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 240-284 (62.1 - 73.5%) - guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

4 HP / 0 Def Spectrier: 412-486 (120.4 - 142.1%) - guaranteed OHKOĢ52 Atk Kartana Sacred Sword vs. The +1 is very important to KO some threats. 4 HP / 0 Def Regieleki: 352-415 (116.5 - 137.4%) - guaranteed OHKOĢ52 SpA Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. +1 252 Atk Kartana Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. Leaf Blade and Smart Strike are its primary STAB moves, while Sacred Sword and Knock Off are coverage moves. It can outspeed Modest Regieleki (as long as it has a Choice Scarf), and can easily OHKO it with Knock Off. Weaknesses aside, it has a beastly base 181 attack stat, and base 109 speed stat. It has an unfortunate 4x weakness to fire and is vulnerable to special attackers as it has a 31 special defense stat. As it's an Ultra Beast, it has a few godly stats, and the rest are. This team wouldn't be complete with Kartana. I decided to make this team because Kartana is probably one of the most underrated/underestimated Ultra Beasts in OU, as Buzzwole and Pheromosa are everywhere.īasically, you would want to revenge kill with Kartana and proceed to sweep afterward. Please also forgive my grammar as English is my second language.

Ou pokemon showdown team free#
Hi guys! This is my first post here, so please feel free to correct me or improve my team.